Ep 3 - Harry Potter & The Epiphany

Mike and the twins finished reading the Harry Potter books together, prompting a reflection on his blemished past.
Big thank you to my wife who captured this precious moment (click to see photo) when the twins and I finished the last book of Harry Potter. 

Questions Worth Asking:
  • What stories have you read / seen/ heard that make you reflect on your childhood?
  • Regarding these stories that make you think about your past and knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently?
  • When you think about your biggest regrets, does that experience drive or influence who you are today? If not, should it?

Music: "1900" by Lincoln Davis, "Magic" by Four Trees, and "Belief" by Lincoln Davis
Cover Art by Irasutoya
Ep 3 - Harry Potter & The Epiphany
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